Forum Rules — Important!

Please read carefully before creating a new topic.
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Forum Rules — Important!

Post by Crypto_Viktor »

When creating a theme, pay attention to this:

The topic should be in its own section, if there is none - write to the admin;

The name of the topic must be unique;

Continue the topic only with useful and not the same messages.

What is prohibited:


The name of the topic and the text in CAPITAL letters;

Open a topic in order to drag our visitors to your resource;

Free publications, flood;

Curse words. We have all publications within the framework of decency.

Any support for the war of the russian federation against Ukraine - immediately BAS forever

As on any resource, we have restrictions, without observing which the mess begins, so the rules of the forum are for ALL members of the forum. Restrictions on our Topics: politics, prohibited general topics. Curse words = BAN, our forum members can express their opinions without obscene.

For advertising matters, write in personal messages to the administrator or contacts:
Telegram - @viktortomylin

Forum administrators: Vitaly and Viktor. Good luck to everyone!

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